fredag 30. oktober 2009

People can't smell blood

HOW STUPID CAN A HUMAN BEING POSSIBLY GET? Oh lord. I can't deny it, sometimes, I AM A DUMBASS.

Today I was with Samantha from my class all day. We went shopping underwear and went for a snack (when we were really supposed to work, lol). We sat talking, we ran into a subject about that boy I've been all about in the beginning of this week. I was determined not to tell anyone about him, because I am over that whole crush thing now. So then I didn't think it would be a big deal to tell her about saturday, and I did. What I wasn't thinking about at that moment is that Samantha's best friend is in the same class as the boy. Ingrid or something. And I've heard that she has a big mouth. So if Samantha tells her about it, I AM SCREWED. I might as well shit in my pants! I kind of already have. Why did I tell her about him? NOTHING EVEN HAPPENED. God. I hate myself for doing this. And now I probably don't even have a shot in the ocean. Ahh, can someone PLEASE shoot my head off? please...

On the other side, I am so happy for my friend Gina. She has found a guy she likes, that likes her back. They are seeing eachother today, and I'm so exited for her. If this works out, she'll probably have her first love. I don't know Halvor that well, but I think he'll be great for Gina. And if someone deserves a good relationship, it's her. She's so sweet, and deserves nothing but the best. I wish I'd find someone like she has, but now I'm starting to think it'll never happen. What is wrong with me? Gina and I both met boys last saturday. And still she's the only one winning. I guess I'll just have to think that it's not about me, it's about that boy. But I can't get my head around to think that.

Tonight we're going to Kristines birthday party, and I'm looking forward to it, for real. Hope she likes her present, but I'm kind of sure she will. It's beautiful, I would have loved it. Oh bugger! I just remembered I have to make her a card. So uhm. I guess I'll have to stop writing now. Probably for the best anyway...

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