torsdag 17. september 2009

You inspired this one

I sometimes want to trade my life with someone. And not just anybody, I want to trade my life with a sucky life. Like a woman in Kenya or something. Why? I just dont feel like I always deserve to have the life I do. And I know I should appreciate it more, but I dont even live my life the way I should. Ofcourse I am neverending thankful for having this wonderful life, but why was this life given to me? In some weird, absurd way I feel like I should live a miserable life. And lately I've been feeling kind of miserable too. I have THE best friend in the whole wide world, she is sort of my reason to live. Without her I don't know what I'd do. But I just feel like I'm missing something. While thinking about it, some miserable, sad feeling is just spreading in my body. I want someone there, I think. And not another friend. Maybe I want a boyfriend. Someone who will be there for me and care about me. Everytime I see a couple on the bus or wherever, I just get SO jealous. Wishing it was me who was feeling those feelings. I don't know how to describe it, I just feel so lost. Uææ, lol. I'm so pathetic.

tirsdag 15. september 2009

And so the lion fell in love with the lamb

It's getting pretty sucky to be at school at 07:20 in the morning, when the first class doesn't even start before 08:00. Yeah, we don't like the bus system. I like some of the busdrivers, though. SOME of them! The others are just mean. MEAN! mohahah

I don't want you to be afraid

Can't think of anything more annoying right now than the fact that I can't watch the VMA's just because I don't live in USA. SO ANNOYING! I want to see why everyone is freakin' out over Kanye. I love the man, but it doesn't really come as a surprise that he did something stupid. He is still a great artist, nothing can change THAT. All though I feel bad for Taylor Swift. Such a sweet girl! Kanye is still my man.

mandag 14. september 2009

Just can`t seem to understand how time is flying by so fast. It was only a couple of years ago when I was wishing time would run faster. Now I can`t seem to decide what I want. On one side, I want the days to move a little slower, so that I would have time to do everything I don`t manage these days, and maybe get a little more sleep. On the other side, I want the next year and a half to move so fast that I would not even have the time to blink. Then I could move in with my best friend, and start living my life the way I want to live it. Ahh. I just want to graduate, and move far away with my favourite person in the whole wide world. Oh well. Enough for now! :P

Why so serious

Just a random girl from a random country, wishing she wasn`t random to that one special boy she never even met.