tirsdag 20. oktober 2009

I'll show you how I travel in the forest

Today I realized I have become what I always promised myself not to become. Yes. It's true. I have stopped watching Friends at least once week. There. I dropped the bomb. And I know. I am a sucky, sucky person.

Don't get me wrong, it's not because I don't like it anymore, because I DO! It's just that it never have that "Hey, lets watch Friends" thought anymore. And let me tell you, it hurts! I waaant to watch Friends as much as I used to. I miss those Friends nights I used to have, and when my brother and I would stay up all night playing the same thing over and over just because one of them had a KILLER comment. And yeah, I know what you're thinking, "if you want to so much, why don't you just do it?" It's not that. I am watching Friends right now. But I used to watch it ALL THE TIME, and now I'm just not addicted anymore. But I want to be. You know what I mean? Haha. I just sound like a retard. Forget it.

Is there anyone else out there other than me that feels like Friends is slipping away? That it's getting old. I don't want it to!

And oh my effin god, it is SO hard to pick a favourite episode, or character. It is I TO THE M TO THE P TO THE OSSIBLE! I won't even try.

BUT, I do have some quotes I love;

Ross: I would date her but there is a big age difference.
Joey: Well think about it when you're 90...
Ross: I know, she'll be 80 and it won't be such a big difference.
Joey: No. What I was gonna say is when you're 90 you'll still have the memory of what it was like to be with a 20-year-old.

Phoebe: [Right after playing a song in the coffee shop ] If you want to receive e-mails about my upcoming shows, then please give me money so I can buy a computer.

Chandler: You have to stop the Q-Tip when there's resistance.

Ross: What are you doing?
Chandler: Making chocolate milk. You want some?
Ross: No thanks, I'm 29.

Joey: [Joey, Phoebe, Chandler and Monica are in Chapel in Vegas after Rachel and Ross got married] Well, what happened, did we miss it?
Chandler: Well, we actually missed it.
Phoebe: [with clenched teeth] Well, maybe you wouldn't have if you could run in the chapel!

Ross: I figured after work, I'd pick up a bottle of wine, go over there, and try to... woo her.
Chandler: Hey, you know what you should do? Take her back to the 1800's when that phrase was last used.

Ross: What are you doing tonight?
Chandler: Why, do you have a lecture?
Ross: No.
Chandler: Free as a bird, what's up?

Chandler: I can handle this. "Handle" is my middle name. Actually, "handle" is the middle of my first name.

Phoebe: Pheobe. That's, P, as in Phoebe, H, as in heobe, O as in oebe, E, as in ebe, B, as in bebe, and E as in... Ello there mate.

Ross: [holding a bottle of champagne] Gunther, six glasses!
Gunther: [hopeful] Six? You want me to join you?
Ross: Oh, I thought Joey was here. Five will be fine.
[Gunther walks away disappointed]
Ross: Boy I'm gonna get spit in my coffee, now.

Joey: [during Ross's speech, Joey laughs every time he hears 'homo erectus'] Ha, Ha, he said 'erectus'.
[notices Rachel is also laughing]
Joey: Erectus?
Rachel: [stifling laugh] No, 'homo'.

Chandler: You can't come in.
Monica: Why not?
Chandler: Because, uh, Ross is naked.
Ross: What?
Chandler: Well, I couldn't tell her *I* was naked. She's allowed to see me naked.
Ross: Why does *anyone* have to be naked?

Phoebe: No, huh uh, no way, I'm sorry, not gonna happen.
Chandler: Whoa, whoa, prom night flashback.

[Joey and Chandler apartment has been robbed]
Joey: Aw, man. He took the five of spades.
[looks through deck]
Joey: No, here it is.

[Joey has packed an emergency kit with food, Mad-Libs and condoms]
Chandler: Condoms?
Joey: We don't know how long we're gonna be stuck here. We might have to repopulate the world.
Chandler: And condoms are the way to do that?

Joey: What? You made a bet. A bet is a bet. You bet on a bet, and if you lose you lose the bet.

Ross: So, uh, what did the insurance company say?
Chandler: Oh, they said uh, "You don't have insurance here so stop calling us."

Monica: Okay, I've got a leg, three breasts, and a wing.
Chandler: How do you find clothes that fit?

Ross: You know, you probably didn't know this, but back in high school, I had a major crush on you.
Rachel: I knew.
Ross: You did. Oh... I always figured you just thought I was Monica's geeky older brother.
Rachel: I did.

Susie: How come all I can think about is putting that ice in my mouth and licking you all over?
Chandler: Because I went to an all-boys high school and God is making up for it.

Rachel: Cool. "Urkel" in Spanish is "Urkel."

Joey: Pheebs, you wanna help?
Phoebe: Oh, I wish I could, but I really don't want to.

Rachel: See? Unisex.
Joey: Maybe *you* need sex. I just had it a few days ago.
Rachel: No, Joey, U-N-I-sex.
Joey: I wouldn't say no to that.

[When asked if he knows anything about chicks]
Chandler: Fowl? No. Women?... No.

Chandler: I got her machine.
Joey: Her answering machine?
Chandler: No. Interestingly enough, her leaf blower picked up.

[to Ross]
Chandler: You know if your not careful, you could not get married at all this year.

Monica: Why must your family be Scottish?
Chandler: Why must your family be *Ross*?

Monica: You broke a little girl's leg?
Ross: I know. I feel horrible. Okay.
Chandler: [reading the paper] Says here that a Muppet got whacked on Sesame Street last night.
[to Ross]
Chandler: Where exactly were you around ten-ish?

[Ross defends his fast eating habits to Rachel]
Ross: I grew up in a house with Monica, okay. If you didn't eat fast, you didn't eat.

[Phoebe, Chandler, Joey, and Monica are trapped in Monica's bedroom]
Joey: I'm hungry.
Phoebe: We could eat the wax. It's organic.
Chandler: Oh great, food with hair on it.
Phoebe: No, not the used wax.
Chandler: Because THAT would be crazy.

[Rachel is upset about something]
Phoebe: Aww Pheebs.
Rachel: Honey, that's your name.
Phoebe: Oh, Pheebs is short for Phoebe I thought that's just what we called each other.

Rachel: Joey, you can't steal an award.
Joey: I'm not stealing it. I'm accepting it on her behalf.
Rachel: You don't even know what behalf means.
Joey: I know what it means. It's a verb. As in, I behalfing it.

Monica: Now come on, Chandler, the Miami Vice soundtrack? Really?
Chandler: They were just giving it away at the mall...
[Monica stares]
Chandler: ...in exchange for money.

Ross: I mean, last year Elizabeth now-now this kid. What-what-what-what is it? Am I giving out some kind of... sexy professor vibe?
Rachel: Not right now.

Chandler: My dad slept with Mr. Gribaldi.
Monica: Who's Mr. Gribaldi?

Chandler: What? What? What is it? That she left you? That she likes women? That she left you for another woman that likes women?
Ross: A little louder, okay? I think there's a man on the twelfth floor - in a COMA - who didn't hear you.

Ross: Did you see the kid on that nose?

Rachel: Ok, Joey, we'll do it one more time. Don't forget the rules -heads I win, tails you lose.
Joey: Just flip the coin!

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