onsdag 17. februar 2010

may angels lead you in

Okay. So I've just watched the Olympics. And as the patriot I am, I'd donate my life for Norway to do so great this year I would just die anyway. That doesn't look very bright, though. Marit Bjørgen was awesome (she got the gold), and I'm perfectly happy with that. But this drags me on to the boys skiingfinal. My mouth fell down to my vagina and stayed there through the entire race. This was because of the Russians. The bloody Russians. Who the hell do you think you are? Crossing the line first and second before Petter Northug who came in third. Did ya SERIOUSLY even THINK that people can actually BEAT Petter Northug without drugs? Well I got a word for you. Lol. I KNOW you've been taking drugs. Motherfuckers. There's no help trying to fix the one reputation you have, that all russians are whores, to a better one like winning a gold medal, when you're only going to SHIT IN YOUR PANTS when you get caught using drugs. You might as well turn yourselfes in, 'CAUSE I'M ON YOU BITCHEEEEEEEES!

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